搜索 Reiter

  • After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their affair seems harmless at first, Katie becomes increasingly convinced that there's more than meets the eye with John.
  • 一年前的连环杀人案,让埃本赛镇大学的毕业生马丁(LaurenceRupp饰)、克莱门斯(MichaelSteinocher饰)和埃里克斯(NadjaVogel饰)等人接连死于非命。随着连环杀手哈斯太太的尸体被渔夫偶然发现,这起黑暗恐怖的案件似乎就此告一段落。侥幸活下来的妮娜(萨布丽娜·莱特SabrinaReiter饰)如今在一家唱片店打工,准备展开新的生活。某天夜里,妮…
  • 在繁华的广陵城中,坊间突然开始流传着一个传说,城中有一个地方,名为幻镜阁。其主人是一位神秘的红衣女子,相传只要你有想实现的愿望,她都可以帮你完成,实现愿望的代价,便是用你这“一念”与她交换。幻镜阁的大门,对为情所困的痴男怨女们所敞开,而净邪司捕头浅夏却也因调查命案事件被卷入其中,与美艳的老板娘曼珠展开查案之旅,一个个案…
  • A young man trapped in his apartment with a swarm of demons outside his door must find a way to survive the night and escape from apartment 213.
  • 鬼哭神嚎:觉醒HD